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Regional Select Board Meeting Minutes 11/8/11
Regional Selectmen’s minutes of meeting Nov. 8, 2011
Members present:                                                                                

Sandisfield:            Patrick Barrett, Jeffrey Gray
Monterey:               Wayne Burkhart, Jonathan Sylbert
New Marlborough Tara White
Tolland         Steve DellaGiustina, Eric Munson, Jr.
Tyringham               Alan Wilcox, Christopher Johnson, Molly Curtin-Schaefer
                        Leslie Beebe
Otis                    Donald Hawley, Brian Crandall

Called to order at 7:05 p.m.

Patrick opened the meeting thanking everyone for coming.  
Discussed the Selectmen’s dinners.  They are ineffective for small towns. They usually do not address small town issues.  

Jonathan Sylbert discussed with Smitty Pignatelli and Ben Downing the 25% MEMA reimbursement for the recent snow storm and Storm Irene. He suggested the towns together contact Smitty and Ben and convey our concerns.  Suggested all towns send a letter requesting their 25%. Discussed the similar problems and frustrations most of us are having with FEMA.

Discussed problems with beavers.
Discussed sharing methods of dealing with beaver dams.
Discussed grants for beaver solutions.
Will continue this discussion at the next regional meeting.  All towns will gather information on what process they use now to deal with beaver problems.

Discussed sharing services.
All towns have joined the municipal aid agreements.
Discussed sharing highway department equipment such as mowers, rollers, water trucks, paving box.
Discussed the expectations of residents on the conditions of the roads.
Discussed the benefits of rolling the road after raking and grading.
Discussed inviting Highway Superintendents to attend future meetings.

Discussed Annual Town Meetings.  
Discussed the benefits of having budget public hearings before annual town meetings.
Discussed combining articles.
Discussed long term capital planning.
Otis explained their progress towards wind energy which eventually power the whole town.

Discussed various fees.
All towns will compile fees to compare.
Discussed transfer station fees.
Each town charges different fees. Some charge sticker fees plus bag fees.
Discussed recycling. Discussed waste oil.

Discussed including Town Managers, Administrators and Exec. Secretaries in these meetings.
Discussed the reverse 911 system.
Discussed the position of Town Administrator.  Otis has one. Most towns have Admin. Asst./Secretary.  Discussed the need for more help for these positions.  The job has changed and increased in responsibility and volume of work.  We may be missing out on opportunities and grants due to understaffing.
Discussed sharing grant writer service.
Discussed Senior Tax Work Off program. Some towns utilize this program.  The town has to pass a bylaw for this program. Otis has had this program for 10 years but do not have a lot of participation.  

Reviewed the MMA breakfast meeting. Discussed the upcoming increased gas tax. This tax hurts this area more than the eastern part of the state that has public transportation.  
Discussed issuing a combined letter to Smitty Pignatelli listing our concerns regarding this increased gas tax and its unfairness to this area.

Discussed Selectmen’s involvement in school budgets. Discussed school budget process and issues.

Submitted by,
Patrick Barrett
Town of Sandisfield